Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).



Multilanguage version of the Handbook

The draft version of the handbook in the partners languages is available.The handbook delves into the core concepts, characteristics, and methods of pedagogical documentation. Additionally, it explores its intricate relationship with children's learning, emergent curriculum, and various participatory pedagogies. 


Draft Version of the Handbook

The draft version of the handbook is available.This comprehensive guide has been curated to provide educators, practitioners, and stakeholders in the field of childhood education with a thorough understanding of pedagogical documentation and its pivotal role in enhancing children's learning experiences.


Third Partners' Meeting

Project partners organized the third meeting in Braganca (PT) on 4 - 5 September 2023.
During the third partners' meeting, the partners:

  • Analyzed the draft contents of the handbook for kindergarten educators
  • Defined the structure of the online training package
  • Prepared the structure and the contents for the progress report


Training Activity in Iasi (RO)

The Pedagogical Documentation on Children´s Learning: Creating Digital Portfolios Course developed by the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB) team, was held in Romania, at the partner institution EuroED, and received kindergarten teachers from four countries, Italy, Portugal, Ireland and Romania


Involvement of Associated Partners

Different Institutions and organisations are being contacted to join the project in order to contribute to the improvement of the project's impact on their target groups and to ensure the project's sustainability by continuing to use the project deliverables in the next years.
The associate partners of the EYDP project are organizations interested in more effective and transparent communication patterns among childhood education and care systems and families.
Find out more information on the involved associated partners.


Second Partners' Meeting

Project partners organized the second meeting in Florence (IT) on 6 - 7 March 2023.
During the second meeting, the European project partners presented the findings of the WP2 National Reports and discussed about the table of contents of the Handbook.
Moreover, the main financial and administrative issues and activities to be carried out were presented and discussed, as well as the templates to be used.


EYDP project website

The EYDP project website is available on the Internet. The project website is the main tool to guarantee the dissemination of the project information and the sustainability of the project result.
The project website is also an important support to the project management and facilitate partners' cooperation.


EYDP Kick-Off Meeting

The EYDP Kick-Off Meeting took place online on 22 December.
Margarida Morgado from AEMT (PT) welcomed all the project partners to the Zoom platform where the meeting occurred.
The European project partners introduced themselves and their project’s related experiences and expertise. The main activities to be carried out were presented and discussed, as well as the templates to be used.
Cristina Mesquita (IPB) presented the draft version of the table of contents of teh handbook to be developed as the first project result.


The EYDP Project

The Early Years Digital Portfolio project is funded, by the European Commission through the Portuguese National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme

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