Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

Target Groups


Kindergarten teachers

Early childhood educators

Kindergarten managerial staff

Early childhood education institutions can benefit from the project results by enhancing the competence of their staff for improving the communication with the families making also use of an innovative platform for the management of the children’s’ digital portfolio.




The digital handbook is addressed to kindergarten educators providing them with the pedagogical basis and framework for the construction of documentation processes of children's learning and performance


Training Package

The training package has the aim to provide practical training on pedagogical documentation and assessment


Digital Portfolio Management System

The Digital Portfolio Management System has been designed for the uploading of digital documents related to children documentation and assessment

The Early Years Digital Portfolio project is funded, by the European Commission through the Portuguese National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme

Latest News


Multilanguage version of the Handbook

The draft version of the handbook in the partners languages is available.The handbook delves into the core concepts, characteristics, and methods of pedagogical documentation. Additionally, it explores its intricate relationship with children's learning, emergent curriculum, and various participatory pedagogies. 


Draft Version of the Handbook

The draft version of the handbook is available.This comprehensive guide has been curated to provide educators, practitioners, and stakeholders in the field of childhood education with a thorough understanding of pedagogical documentation and its pivotal role in enhancing children's learning experiences.


Third Partners' Meeting

Project partners organized the third meeting in Braganca (PT) on 4 - 5 September 2023.
During the third partners' meeting, the partners:

  • Analyzed the draft contents of the handbook for kindergarten educators
  • Defined the structure of the online training package
  • Prepared the structure and the contents for the progress report

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